Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question about us, our classes or how to start training, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve answered some of our most-asked questions here. If there’s anything that you’d still like to know after reading this page, feel free to get in touch with us here.

How do I start training pro wrestling/self-defence?

That’s easy: head to our contact us page and fill in the form. Alternatively, you can message us on Instagram at @leedsqueerwrestling or @leedsqueerselfdefence depending on which classes you’d like to join.

Where do you train?

Our exact location is private, as we want to keep our space as safe as possible and can’t do that if anyone can just show up! However, we will provide our location to you when you sign up for a class. We are roughly based in Leeds city centre, around 5-10 minutes walk from both the bus and train stations. There is parking available nearby and bikes can be safely stored inside the venue.

What should I wear/bring along?

You don’t need any special equipment to train with us. All you need is some clothes you are able to exercise safely in. That means please don’t wear anything with zips, buckles etc that could catch on someone’s skin, and make sure you can move around freely. A t-shirt and shorts are absolutely fine.

We ask that you bring water along to training, although we do have some available. Also, while piercings are okay, please don’t wear jewellery to training as it can also catch on people and cause injury to yourself and others.

I don’t have any previous experience, is that okay?

Absolutely! All of our classes are completely beginner-friendly. We might build off things we’ve learned in previous sessions, but we always make sure to bring everyone up to speed first. It never hurts to go over the basics!

How much do the classes cost?

Your first session is always free! We want you to be able to try things out before you pay. After that, the classes are £6 per session, or we have £10 and £20 monthly memberships. However, we will never turn anyone away for not being able to pay, and you can always talk to us if you can’t manage our prices.

You can find out more on our pricing page.

Are the classes just for LGBTQIA+ people?

Yes. We don’t care how you identify as queer, but you must be queer to train with us. Beyond that, our classes are 100% inclusive and we want everyone to feel completely welcome. This means we have a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of prejudice though, so please don’t come if you’re going to spout some racist, sexist, ableist, terf or swerf nonsense.

What will be taught in the class?

Pro wrestling classes cover everything from big slams to low-key character work. You will learn how to fall safely, how to sell a move, how to act in-character and how to throw someone into the mat without hurting them. You can find out more here.

Self-defence classes feature theoretical and practical self-defence. You will learn about concepts like de-escalation and personal safety awareness, then train practical martial arts techniques that will help you stay safe if attacked. You can find out more here.

Who are the coaches?

Our pro wrestling classes are taught by Ash, who wrestles under the ring names Rich Tea and Little Dick. They have been wrestling for 7 years, and are part of the world’s only drag king tag team, Big Dick Energy. Ash has created a training space for people who aren’t comfortable in mainstream wrestling spaces, and focuses on centring queer and trans people who have traditionally been excluded.

Self-defence classes are taught by Zoë, an experienced martial artist and self-defence coach. She has been training in Muay Thai, submission grappling and MMA for around 12 years, and is keen to share her knowledge to help her queer community protect themselves.

You can find out more about our coaches here.

I have access needs, can I still take part?

Yes, absolutely! Our venue is wheelchair accessible with accessible toilets, and we welcome all body types. We are always happy to chat about access needs and will do our absolute best to ensure you can train with us. We can also adapt the classes and exercises to match whatever you’re able to do. We want everyone to be able to get the most out of our sessions, whatever their body type or ability level.

Do I have to participate in the whole class or can I sit some of it out if I need to?

There’s never any pressure to participate in any of the classes. We encourage our members to sit out of anything they’re not comfortable with, even if it’s just so they can take a break. We know that some of what we train - particularly in self-defence - can be triggering, and we’re always happy for members to either skip an exercise or do an alternative technique they’re more comfortable with.