
Our pricing is flexible and aims to allow people to pay what they can afford. BENT Collective is a not-for-profit organisation, so everything we make goes right back into paying for venue hire, equipment and coaching. If you have any questions about pricing or what your money is being spent on, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Our pricing

  • Your first session: FREE

    There’s never any charge to try our classes, so come along and give it a go! Your first sessions of both Self-Defence and Wrestling are free if you want to come along and see whether either are right for you.

  • Per-session: £6

    For those who don’t want to sign up for monthly payments, all our classes are priced at £6 per session. This applies to both pro wrestling and self-defence.

  • Monthly: £20

    For £20 per month, you can train at any and all of our pro wrestling and self-defence classes. You don’t have to choose one or the other; £20 per month gets you access to everything, so you can train as much as you like.

  • Monthly low income: £10

    If £20 is too much for you to commit to, you can access everything in the above tier for £10. This is intended to allow unwaged people and those on low incomes to still be able to train with us, while helping us cover our costs.

  • Free

    We are never going to turn anyone away for not having the money to pay for our classes. If you want to train with us but aren’t able to afford the classes, please come anyway. We want our classes to be as accessible as possible, so turn up and train whenever you want.